It’s not the dog – It was its training

by | Jan 30, 2018 | News

5 Star Review from Nancy Blanks

Dan and his team trained my Chesapeake Gauge and I just can’t say enough how awesome the training was.

If you are even thinking, considering, wondering where to send your dog — this is the place if you are serious in wanting a dog that comes back so well trained that you wonder if it is the same pup that you sent there.

I am so proud of our Chesapeake and to give you an idea, this dog Gauge is now a therapy dog for Shriners Hospital for Kids in Chicago.

It’s not the dog– it was its training.

No Chesapeake that I know unless well trained could be a therapy dog for a kids hospital. That should be proof positive that if you want a dog to be obedient (and every big dog owner should want and require that) send it to Green Acres.

If you want an amazing hunting dog and a hunting retriever champion – again send your dog to Gun Dog Success.

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