Our program is centered around educating the dog as well as the owner in order to have success on all angles. The program begins with an evaluation ($65) followed by 2-3 private sessions ($95) to not only socialize your pup to their trainer and our facility but to also build a foundation of how our training works. The sessions will provide you with “homework” to begin working with your dog on very basic obedience so he or she begins to understand that rules are reinforced at home.

The formal stage of training is in the format of boarding and training. Depending on your expectations and desires, this will last between 4-6 weeks at the rate of $1,100/month. While your dog is staying with us it is vital for you to visit once per week to work with your dog and the trainer, these sessions are included in the price. Our goal is to create an off lead obedient companion with you having the knowledge to reinforce/correct unwanted behaviors as they arise.

Connect with us to schedule an evaluation